Two of the current ISTL students (a married couple) share their testimo-nies. They talk about their lives and their desire to study at ISTL:My name is Ymer Duka. I am married to Esterina and we have 4 chil-dren: Micah, Joel, Priscilla and Dan-iel. When I accepted Jesus in 1995, my life took a completely different direction. I started serving as a vol-unteer in the church. In the year 2000, when I was a soldier, I had to decide whether to serve Jesus or to emigrate to Greece, because the eco-nomic conditions in our family were inadequate.My name is Esterina. I accepted Je-sus when I was 13 years and I met my Saviour by reading the Bible. My life was completely transformed. I started serving the Lord at a young age, initially as a volunteer and later full time. Together with my hus-band, I currently serve in the chil-dren’s ministry, teenagers and women’s ministries.We heard about ISTL for the first time in 2016 when we attended a conference in Pogradec. Hervin and Sedika Fushekati explained how the school works and it seemed appropriate for us to at-tend this school. We had a strong desire to receive a solid Christian education. We took the brochure and spoke to our leaders about this school. Later we met with Pas-tor Hervin and we were so happy that we had been accepted and became part of ISTL.This school has opened our eyes. Our hearts were filled with new knowledge. We have learned how to read the Bible in context and how to preach. We are so happy to see how the Word of God changes the lives of others. We always en-joy going to ISTL, eventhough it is a challenge because we have to come in the afternoon (after a busy working day) all the way from Durres to Tirana. We have to leave our children alone at home. When we return home, they are already asleep, but it is a sacrifice worth making. And surprisingly, the les-sons never exhaust us, because the ISTL workers always make us feel like being part of one family. They show us a lot of care. We have great gratitude to all the staff, but especially to God who has giv-en us the opportunity to go to this school. He did not give up on us because God wants his servants to be perfect, fully equipped with all the good work, and able to teach others His Word in humility. We are convinced that God wants to educate young leaders to lead the churches in the Balkan.Ymer & Esterina Duka(Nehemiah Church Durres)
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